Doors open one hour before show time. Check Hopewell Theater schedule for show times.
Hopewell Theater's box office can be reached by calling +1 (609) 466-1964, or by email at Our box office is currently open for calls and in-person sales during the following days and times:
- M-F 9am-3pm (closed 1-2pm)
Free parking can be found on the street in front of the theater. See attached maps for additional parking.
Click here to view our location on Google Maps.
There are no fees applied to tickets purchased in person at our Box Office. As a member-benefit, HT will also waive Members’ ticketing fees on phone orders. Click here to see a detailed overview of ticketing fees and how and when they apply to purchases.
We have developed new procedures and protocols with guidance from the CDC and in keeping with State mandates to keep you and your family safe upon your return to HT. Please see our Health and Safety page for more information.
Entrances: The main lobby entrance is wheelchair accessible, along with the theater entrance to seating areas.
Seating: There are four spaces for wheelchair seating at the back of the theater, left, right and center sections.
Restrooms: Two wheelchair accessible restrooms are located in the lobby.
Deaf or Hearing Impaired: Hopewell Theater has assisted listening devices available upon request at the box office for deaf or hearing impaired. Closed captioning is available on films that provide them. To find out if your film includes closed captioning, please inquire at the box office at least 15 minutes before the film program starts, or call/email ahead of time.
Parking: There is a loading zone parking spot next door to the theater, in front of the Post Office for those who need to be dropped off.
Patrons can enjoy a snack or dessert anytime at our dine-in theater. Our concessions menu features a wide array of choices that can be ordered and delivered to your seat before the show-beverages, snacks, delicious desserts and, of course, traditional items like candy and popcorn. On special occasions we feature Supper Club Nights with a full meal served before the show, by a local chef or caterer. For more information about dining in click here.