October is Discover Jersey Arts Month

October is Discover Jersey Arts Month

Governor Murphy has officially declared October 2021 Discover Jersey Arts Month!

“During recent times of crisis, people have turned to the arts for hope and healing, and our State’s artists and arts organizations have answered the call in innovative and inspiring ways,” the Governor stated in the official gubernatorial proclamation.

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Hopewell Theater Featured on Hopewell Valley Neighbors

This past September, Hopewell Theater and CEO Sara Scully featured on the front page of Hopewell Valley Neighbors!

Hopewell Valley Neighbors magazine covers the community of Hopewell Township, the Borough of Hopewell, and the Borough of Pennington.

“For Sara Scully,

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Hopewell Theater Wins NJBIA Award for Excellence

The New Jersey Business & Industry Association and New Jersey Business magazine announced 20 recipients for their annual Awards for Excellence, honoring member companies and business leaders whose energy and vision have had a positive impact on their employees, their communities,

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How To Use Bindle: Info to Patrons

How To Use Bindle

From time to time, upon artist request, we may require proof of vaccination or negative Covid-19 test via Bindle for all ticket holders upon admission to the show. Hopewell Theater has partnered with Bindle to verify proof of vaccination or negative test result on a mobile device.

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